
My Goals For 2009

...in no particular order:

1. Grow out my hair: I got so many compliments on my long, wavy, dark brown wig I wore for Halloween (see profile photo at left) that I'm determined to grow my own hair to be just like it.

2. Move out of my parents' home and in with my boyfriend: This is so long overdue, I'm embarrassed just mentioning it.

3. Have a baby: Ditto. Wouldn't I love it if my Christmas-derived potbelly was actually a cute baby bump!

4. Become a more organized, efficient, and productive worker: AKA conquer ADD.

5. Learn to live in the moment: Always a goal, always easier said than done.

6. Overcome the fears that keep me from taking positive steps in my life: Ditto.

7. Spend more time being creative!: This is my passion, so shouldn't I try to do it as much as I can? ADD definitely gets in the way here too.

8. Get boobs!!!: Major obsession of 2008 after I lost my 23 pounds for Biggest Loser (mostly from my already tiny boobs). I probably spend more time on the "boob forum" than anywhere else online: http://www.breastimplants411.com/forum/default.asp. I've been saving up for this, so I really hope I can make it a reality this year.

And in the interest of number 2, Henry and I are going to look at this place tomorrow:
It may look a bit small and sad to some, but I think it looks cute and cozy and has great potential. It's also got a really cute new studio apartment above the garage and a pretty little river runs right through the back yard: