

Well, we went and looked at the house, and it was just as nice in person as it was in the photos. I was all ready to move in, but Henry and I decided at the last minute that it is financially impractical at this moment, and that we should do more planning and saving up of money before making such a big decision. I am disappointed but resigned. However, I've been resenting more and more the clutter in my room and the fact that I can hardly move around in there with the guinea pigs, the dog, me, my crap, and Henry and his crap when he's here. Much less spread out and work on a project. It is incredibly stifling. I nearly had a nervous breakdown this morning getting ready for work while trying not to wake Henry or step on the dog or trip over the dog's crate and fall into the closet. It is like a maze just trying to get from my bedroom door to my closet, and my room is not big. I should take a picture and post it sometime.

I made the mistake of mentioning to my Mom that we decided to try to save more money before we move, and she took that as an invitation to remind me how I could be saving money every 5 minutes: "You could sure save a lot of money if you didn't rent all those movies!" "Well, you won't be buying any more scrapbooking supplies then I suppose." It's not that she's wrong, necessarily, it's just that it's not news to me, and I don't need to hear it all day long.

(Can you tell I'm wishing we had moved out right about now?)

Henry was amazingly sweet today: After he dropped me back off at work from lunch, he was gone for what seemed like 5 minutes, and then he called and said that he forgot something and that I needed to come back out to the parking lot. I went outside to his car, and he gave me a potted purple chrysanthemum and a gift bag (with puppies on it) containing a plastic heart filled with candy, a Zone bar (he knows I eat two Zone bars every day), and a fancy pint of beer from England! I'll have to post pics. I will of course be waiting to sample the beer until after I get home from work.

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