
Beautiful Spring Day at Galena!

It was a gorgeous sunny Sunday and I was getting ready to waste my time procrastinating about doing chores as usual. My Mom asked if I wanted to go up to Galena to snowshoe while she skied. I really hate last minute plans, and I almost didn't go, but I decided that since I rarely get to hang out with my Mom, I'd regret it if I didn't. I'm glad I changed my mind! It was great to get outside and be in the sunshine with the blue sky and the sparkly snow and get my blood pumping and see my Mom smile. The dogs had a blast too! Pictures below:
"Oh boy! We're gonna go play in the snow!!!"

My Mom with Galena Lodge in the background, and Hank (brown) and Lucky (black).

Mom skiing.

Me and Rocky getting ready to go snow-shoeing.

The day was so incredibly sunny and beautiful. The shattered ice on the creek looked really cool, but didn't translate well through the photo.

Some local history. Cabin shown below.

Historical cabin at Galena.

You may think my Mom is quite the rebel from this photo, but Rocky was one of probably 12 dogs on the deck at Galena Lodge.

Worn out dogs on the way home.

1 comment:

scubasubie said...

you are so due for another post :)