
Trying to keep it from falling apart

“It all starts with letting things be. Understanding that all bad in your life has the possibility to bear a positive outcome. Taking a step back from everyday stress and worries, taking in a deep breath, looking around at where you are, exhaling and realizing that this is life. It's beautiful at all times.” Response I got from a blogger when I asked him how he’d found the peace he was proclaiming in his post.

It all makes sense, but at the same time, it’s pretty vague and not really instructive. Still, it does help just to have someone tell you things like that from time to time.

I put away all my clothes last night (a major feat for me), and found that I don’t actually have room for all of them. So, I’m going to have to sort through everything and get rid of some stuff. I have trouble parting with things, because it’s difficult for me to get through the thought process of whether or not I will need it in the future. I can never firmly decide. I also cleaned out a corner of my room that’s been festering with random debris for probably a year. So my room feels a lot nicer.

Why do writers of documents intentionally leave a page blank, and then tell us about it?

1 comment:

Oberon said...

.....maybe they left a blank page for you to add your thoughts.....and who was that blogger you mentioned.....i want to see his/her blog.